Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Finally Finished my Novella!

Holy crackers batman! I just finished my novella and I am excited. However, I am so nervous about sending it off to eHarlequin. My stomach is churning so much I may throw up. I guess it is just me being jittery. Maybe you all can give this writer some advice?

Should I: A] Go Indie or B] Go submit it to eHarlequin?

Please leave your comments below!

Thanks and happy words!


  1. How many words? You'll need at least 50k for most of the main Harl. lines if I remember correctly, though I'm not sure of the word counts for Nocturne Bites (paranormal shorts) and Spice (erotica shorts). Check the guidelines, would be my suggestion, and make sure it fits Harl. before sending it off.

    Other than that, completely up to you. Good luck either way! :-)

  2. Done ahead of you chicky! ^0^ I checked the guidelines a few days ago. For the eHarlequin submissions, particularly Nocturne, it was 10k-15k in word length. Right now I am going back and fixing a few of the rougher areas. Also, cleaning up a few of the words that might be a bit to vulgar.

    I will tell you, it has been a challenge to do such a short story. Specially when I have been working on much longer pieces than this.

  3. Well done!!!!! What are you going to do to celebrate ?

  4. I would love to read it please!!!!
